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James - Discography + Extras[Mp3][320kbps][Google Drive]


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3 Feb 2022
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James are the enduring multi-platinum UK band that formed in Manchester in the 1980s. Their energy, longevity and love of touring have built a huge global fan-base
Following the departure of lead singer Tim Booth in 2001, the band became inactive, but reunited in January 2007.
Live performance has continually remained a central part of the band's output.

Format : MPEG Audio
Format version : Version 1
Format profile : Layer 3
Format settings : Joint stereo
Duration : 2 min 43 s
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 320 kb/s
Channel(s) : 2 channels
Sampling rate : 44.1 kHz
Frame rate : 38.281 FPS (1152 SPF)
Compression mode : Lossy
Stream size : 6.25 MiB (99%)
Writing library : LAME3.100
Encoding settings : -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 20.5


1983/1987 - The Peel Sessions
1985 - Village Fire (EP)
1986 - Stutter
1988 - Strip-Mine
1989 - One Man Clapping
1990 - Gold Mother
1991 - James
1991 - Seven
1991 - The Gathering Sound (2CD)
1992 - Live
1992 - The Greenpeace Palace Concert
1993 - Laid
1994 - Wah Wah
1997 - Tomorrow (2CD)
1997 - Whiplash
1998 - Sit Down - Apollo Four Forty (Single)
1998 - The Best Of James
1999 - I Know What I'm Here For (Single)
1999 - Millionaires
2001 - Pleased To Meet You
2001 - Seven (Expanded Edition)
2002 - B-Sides Ultra
2002 - Getting Away With It (Live) (2CD)
2004 - The Collection
2007 - Fresh As A Daisy (2CD)
2008 - Hey Ma
2010 - The Night Before
2010 - The Morning After
2014 - La Petite Mort
2014 - Laid/Wah Wah (Super Deluxe Edition)
2016 - Girl At The End Of The World
2017 - Justhipper - The Complete Sire & Blanco Y Negro Recordings (1986-1988)
2018 - Better Than That (EP)
2018 - Living In Extraordinary Times
2021 - All The Colours Of You
2021 - The Campfire (EP) (Acoustic)

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Artist - James
Album - Discography + Extras
Year - 1983 - 2021
Genre - Indie/Alternative Rock
Type - Mp3
Bit rate - 320 kbps
Size - 5.05 GB​
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